Example of convection heat transfer

Boiling water
A metal pan on a stove
Sitting by a fireplace
Microwave warming food

A pot of boiling water is an example of convection heat transfer. As the water heats up, it becomes less dense and rises to the top, causing cooler water to move downward and heat up in turn.

A metal pan on a stove also demonstrates convection heat transfer. The heat from the stove element warms up the bottom of the pan, causing the molecules in the metal to move more rapidly and transfer the heat throughout the pan.

Sitting by a fireplace is another example of convection heat transfer. The warm air near the fire rises and creates a convection current, carrying heat throughout the room.

Microwave warming food is also a form of convection heat transfer. The microwave radiation heats up the water molecules inside the food, causing them to move and transfer the heat throughout the food item.