6. Match each example with the correct form of energy transfer.

5 points
Conduction Convection Radiation
Boiling macaroni in a pot
Heat coming off the pavement in the summer
Ironing your clothes
Lightbulb in your house
Metal spoon transferring heat from pot to you.
Boiling macaroni in a pot
Heat coming off the pavement in the summer
Ironing your clothes
Lightbulb in your house
Metal spoon transferring heat from pot to you.

Conduction - Metal spoon transferring heat from pot to you.

Convection - Boiling macaroni in a pot, Heat coming off the pavement in the summer.
Radiation - Ironing your clothes, Lightbulb in your house.

1. Boiling macaroni in a pot - Conduction

2. Heat coming off the pavement in the summer - Radiation
3. Ironing your clothes - Conduction
4. Lightbulb in your house - Radiation
5. Metal spoon transferring heat from pot to you - Conduction

To match each example with the correct form of energy transfer, you need to understand the different forms of energy transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation.

1. Boiling macaroni in a pot - Conduction
Explanation: Conduction is the transfer of heat or energy through direct contact. When you boil macaroni in a pot, the heat is transferred from the stove burner to the pot through conduction.

2. Heat coming off the pavement in the summer - Radiation
Explanation: Radiation is the transfer of heat or energy through invisible electromagnetic waves. In this case, the heat from the pavement is transferred to the surrounding air through radiation.

3. Ironing your clothes - Conduction
Explanation: When you iron your clothes, the heat is transferred from the iron to the fabric through conduction. The direct contact between the hot iron and the clothes enables the transfer of heat.

4. Lightbulb in your house - Radiation
Explanation: A lightbulb produces light and heat through a process called incandescence. The heat generated by the lightbulb is transferred to the surrounding air and objects through radiation.

5. Metal spoon transferring heat from pot to you - Conduction
Explanation: Similar to the first example, this scenario involves conduction. The metal spoon comes into direct contact with the pot, which is heated by the stove, and then transfers the heat to you when you touch it.

So, the correct matches would be:
1. Boiling macaroni in a pot - Conduction
2. Heat coming off the pavement in the summer - Radiation
3. Ironing your clothes - Conduction
4. Lightbulb in your house - Radiation
5. Metal spoon transferring heat from pot to you - Conduction