In what way did uncle Tom’s cabin change the attitude of Northern about slavery?

Uncle Tom's Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, had a profound impact on the attitudes of Northerners towards slavery. The novel vividly portrayed the harsh realities of slavery and the cruelty inflicted upon enslaved individuals. It humanized the suffering of enslaved people and appealed to readers' sense of morality and empathy.

As a result, Uncle Tom's Cabin helped to galvanize public opinion against slavery in the North. It inspired many Northerners to join the abolitionist movement and actively work towards the abolition of slavery. The novel also played a significant role in raising awareness about the injustices of slavery and encouraging more people to take a stand against it.

Overall, Uncle Tom's Cabin helped to change the attitude of Northerners towards slavery by exposing the horrors of the institution and prompting many to take action against it.