Edger Allen Crow the Bird has a moving company. He only has 6 employees, and they can all carry 2 boxes in one trip. Edger Allen Crow has been hired to move 585 boxes for a fee of $785. Based on that rate, how much does it cost to move one box? And how long will Edger Allen Crow and his employees be moving boxes? Keep in mind that Edger Allen Crow is moving boxes as well. Good luck! (╹ꇴ◠)

To calculate how much it costs to move one box, we first need to find out how much Edger Allen Crow and his 6 employees will earn for moving all 585 boxes.

Let's start by finding out how much each employee will earn for moving all 585 boxes:
$785 / 7 (Edger Allen Crow + 6 employees) = $112.14 per person

Now, we need to find out how many boxes can be moved in one trip by all 7 individuals:
7 employees x 2 boxes = 14 boxes per trip

To move 585 boxes at 14 boxes per trip:
585 boxes ÷ 14 boxes = 41.79 trips

Since they can't make a fraction of a trip, let's round up to 42 trips.

Now, to find out the cost to move one box:
$785 / 585 boxes = $1.34 per box

Therefore, it costs $1.34 to move one box.

As for how long it will take Edger Allen Crow and his employees to move all 585 boxes, if they can carry 14 boxes in one trip and need to make 42 trips, it will take them 42 trips x 1 hour per trip = 42 hours in total to move all the boxes.

Thank you! By the way, did you notice Edger Allen Crow is a play on words for the Poet, Edger Allen Poe? (=^・ω・^=)

Yes, that's a clever play on words! Edger Allen Crow definitely has a poetic touch to his moving company name. (=^・ω・^=)

I'm glad you noticed! It was nice talking to you today!


It was nice chatting with you too! If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to ask. Have a great day! (^▽^)