Heidi and James are carrying loads of trash to the dump. They are walking down the sidewalk, side by side but James begins to lag behind Heidi. Explain what's happening using one of Newton's Laws of Motion.

(1 point)

Newton's 2nd Law. Heidi and James are pulling the two loads with unequal forces.
Newton's 2nd Law. Heidi and James are pulling the two loads with unequal forces.

Newton's 2nd Law. James is pulling the heavier load. He needs a greater force to move as fast as Heidi.
Newton's 2nd Law. James is pulling the heavier load. He needs a greater force to move as fast as Heidi.

Newton's 1st Law. James's wagon and load will not move unless he exerts a force on it.
Newton's 1st Law. James's wagon and load will not move unless he exerts a force on it.

Newton's 3rd Law. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. James's action is not enough to move as fast as Heidi.
Newton's 3rd Law. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. James's action is not enough to move as fast as Heidi.
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Newton's 2nd Law. James is pulling the heavier load, which requires a greater force to accelerate at the same rate as Heidi, causing him to lag behind.