1. What do you learn about the role of women in the societies described in the selections by Djebar, Rifaat, al-Idlibi, and Ayyoub? Discuss how the women cope with the conflicts they encounter.

In the selections by Djebar, Rifaat, al-Idlibi, and Ayyoub, the role of women in society is portrayed as complex and often restrictive. Women are expected to adhere to traditional gender roles and face various forms of oppression and discrimination. Despite these challenges, the women in these selections demonstrate resilience and agency in coping with the conflicts they encounter.

In Djebar's work, women are depicted as struggling against patriarchal norms and societal expectations. They often face restrictions on their freedom and autonomy, but they actively seek ways to assert their independence and challenge the status quo. For example, in "Women of Algiers in Their Apartment," the female characters navigate the spaces of their homes to find moments of solace and resistance against the oppressive ideologies that seek to confine them.

Similarly, in Rifaat's writing, women are shown grappling with conflicts related to marriage, motherhood, and societal expectations. The female characters in her stories often find themselves in oppressive and abusive relationships, yet they find ways to subvert these power dynamics and assert their agency. For instance, in "Distant View of a Minaret," the protagonist challenges traditional notions of female sexuality and desire, ultimately claiming a sense of autonomy and self-determination.

Al-Idlibi and Ayyoub also explore the complexities of women's roles in society, highlighting the ways in which women navigate the intersections of culture, faith, and gender identity. In al-Idlibi's work, female characters face conflicting expectations related to religion and modernity, but they find ways to reconcile these dualities and carve out spaces for personal growth and self-expression. In Ayyoub's writing, women grapple with the legacies of war and conflict, yet they exhibit strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

Overall, the women in these selections cope with the conflicts they encounter by drawing on their inner strength, resilience, and agency. They navigate the complexities of their social and cultural contexts, challenging oppressive norms and asserting their own identities and desires. Through their actions and narratives, these women offer a powerful critique of the patriarchal structures that seek to limit their potential, ultimately demonstrating the transformative power of resistance and resilience.