Multiple Choice

What do you do about cyberbullying if the first adult you tell doesn’t take you seriously?
(1 point)

Ignore it.
Ignore it.

Tell the adult over and over again.
Tell the adult over and over again.

Tell the bully that you will tell his or her parents.
Tell the bully that you will tell his or her parents.

Tell another trusted adult.

Who is an upstander?
(1 point)

the person doing the bullying
the person doing the bullying

the person being bullied
the person being bullied

the person watching the bullying
the person watching the bullying

the person who tries to stop the bullying

Which of the following is a place where cyberbullying doesn’t occur?
(1 point)

chat messages
chat messages

online groups
online groups

on the football field
on the football field


on the football field