Below is a chart from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

A bar graph shows the horizontal axis labeled Median weekly earnings in dollars and the vertical axis that lists levels of education, starting at Less than high school to Doctoral degree. The horizontal axis is labeled, from left to right: 0, 1000, and 2000. The vertical axis is labeled from the bottom of the axis to the top of the axis as follows: Less than high school diploma, High school diploma, Some college, Associate's degree, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Professional degree, and Doctoral degree. The bar line for each level of education shows the following: Less than high school diploma extends to 626, High school diploma extends to 809, Some college extends to 899, Associate's degree extends to 963, Bachelor's degree extends to 1334, Master's degree extends to 1574, Professional degree extends to 1924, and Doctoral degree extends to 1909.

A bar graph shows the horizontal axis labeled Median weekly earnings in dollars and the vertical axis that lists levels of education, starting at Less than high school to Doctoral degree. The horizontal axis is labeled, from left to right: 0, 1000, and 2000. The vertical axis is labeled from the bottom of the axis to the top of the axis as follows: Less than high school diploma, High school diploma, Some college, Associate's degree, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Professional degree, and Doctoral degree. The bar line for each level of education shows the following: Less than high school diploma extends to 626, High school diploma extends to 809, Some college extends to 899, Associate's degree extends to 963, Bachelor's degree extends to 1334, Master's degree extends to 1574, Professional degree extends to 1924, and Doctoral degree extends to 1909.
Median weekly earnings by education. Source of data: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Which educational level has the lowest weekly pay?
Choose 1 answer:
Choose 1 answer:
(Choice A) professional degree
professional degree
(Choice B) some college
some college
(Choice C) less than high school
less than high school

C) less than high school