The Free Soil Party and abolitionists both sought to end the institution of slavery, but they had differences in their approaches and priorities:

1. The Free Soil Party was a political party that was primarily focused on preventing the spread of slavery into new territories and states. They believed that slavery was a threat to the economic opportunities of free laborers and wanted to keep new territories free from slavery. Abolitionists, on the other hand, were more radical in their beliefs and sought the immediate and complete abolition of slavery everywhere.

2. The Free Soil Party was more moderate in its approach to ending slavery, emphasizing gradual emancipation and the restriction of slavery to existing states where it was already legal. Abolitionists, on the other hand, believed in the immediate and uncompromising end of slavery, regardless of the economic or political consequences.

3. The Free Soil Party was more concerned with the economic impacts of slavery and its effect on free labor, while abolitionists were motivated by moral and humanitarian concerns about the enslavement of fellow human beings.

4. The Free Soil Party was a political party that operated within the existing political system, while abolitionists often operated outside of traditional political structures and sought to bring about change through direct action, public advocacy, and moral persuasion.

Overall, while the Free Soil Party and abolitionists shared a common goal of ending slavery, they had differences in their approaches, priorities, and methods of activism.