In art class students are mixing blue and red paint to make purple paint. Josue mixes 1 cup of blue paint and 2 cups of red paint. Ashley mixes 2 cups of blue paint and 3 cups of red paint. Use Josue and Ashley’s proportions of blue paint to determine whose purple paint will be bluer.

To determine whose purple paint will be bluer, we need to compare the proportion of blue paint in each of their mixtures.

Josue's mixture has a ratio of 1:2 blue paint to red paint, which simplifies to 1:2.

Ashley's mixture has a ratio of 2:3 blue paint to red paint, which simplifies to 2:3.

To compare these ratios, we can find a common denominator:

Josue: 1:2 = 3:6

Ashley: 2:3 = 4:6

Since Ashley's mixture has a higher proportion of blue paint (4:6) compared to Josue's mixture (3:6), Ashley's purple paint will be bluer.