Nikki mixes yellow and blue paint in a ratio of 2:5 to make green paint. How many gallons of blue paint will Nikki needs to make a total of 35 gallons of green paint?

Gallons of Blue Paint + Gallons of Yellow Paint = 98 Gallons Paint

can be written as B + Y = 98

Ratio of Blue Paint to Yellow Paint = 3:4
can be written as B/Y = 3/4

equation 1: B + Y = 98
equation 2: B/Y = 3/4

next step, get B by itself by multiplying both sides of equation 2 by Y
This will give you B = 3/4Y or converting fraction to decimal, B = .75Y

Substitute this value of B into equation 1 to get .75Y + Y =98

leading to 1.75Y = 98
solving for Y = 56
B + Y = 98 , solving for B = 42
42 gallons blue paint
56 gallons yellow paint

Phew, that solution is complicated, and the answer doesn't even make sense, and doesn't even match the question.

let the number of gallons of yellow paint be 2x
let the numbe of gallons of blue paint be 5x, (note 2x : 5x = 2:5)
2x + 5x = 35
7x = 35
x = 5

needed: 10 gallons of yellow and 25 gallons of blue

check: 10+25 = 35, check!
ratio of 10:25 = 2:5, check!

To find out how much blue paint Nikki needs to make green paint, we first need to determine the total ratio of yellow to blue paint in the green paint mixture.

The given ratio of yellow to blue paint is 2:5. This means that for every 2 parts of yellow paint, there are 5 parts of blue paint.

To find the total number of parts in the ratio, add the two parts together:
2 + 5 = 7 parts

Next, we can calculate the amount of blue paint needed to make 35 gallons of green paint.

Since blue paint represents 5 parts out of the total 7 parts, we need to divide the desired total volume of green paint by the number of parts that represent blue paint:
35 gallons / 7 parts = 5 gallons per part

Finally, multiply the amount of blue paint per part by the number of parts that represent blue paint:
5 gallons per part * 5 parts = 25 gallons of blue paint

Therefore, Nikki will need 25 gallons of blue paint to make a total of 35 gallons of green paint.

To find out how many gallons of blue paint Nikki needs to make a total of 35 gallons of green paint, we can start by setting up a proportion.

The given ratio of yellow to blue paint is 2:5. This means that for every 2 parts of yellow paint, there are 5 parts of blue paint.

To set up the proportion, we can use the equation:
(yellow paint)/(blue paint) = (2)/(5)

We know that the total amount of green paint is 35 gallons. Since the ratio of yellow to blue paint is 2:5, we can express the amount of yellow paint as (2/7) * (35) = 10 gallons (2 parts out of 7 sets).

Now, we can find the amount of blue paint needed to make 35 gallons of green paint. We'll set up the equation:
10 gallons (yellow paint) / (blue paint) = 2/5

To solve for (blue paint), we can cross multiply:
10 gallons (blue paint) = (2/5) * 35 gallons

Simplifying the equation:
10 gallons (blue paint) = 14 gallons

Finally, we find that Nikki needs 14 gallons of blue paint to make a total of 35 gallons of green paint.