Describe the situation of affordable and clean in Nigeria

Affordable and clean water is a major issue in Nigeria. Many people in the country struggle to access clean water due to a lack of infrastructure and resources. This lack of access to clean water has serious health implications, as contaminated water can lead to a wide range of diseases.

In addition to the issue of clean water, the cost of water in Nigeria is also a concern for many people. High levels of poverty in the country mean that some individuals cannot afford to pay for clean water, leading them to resort to using unsafe sources.

Efforts have been made by the government and various organizations to improve access to clean and affordable water in Nigeria. These initiatives include the construction of new water infrastructure, the implementation of water purification systems, and community education programs on water sanitation and hygiene.

However, despite these efforts, the situation of affordable and clean water in Nigeria remains a significant challenge that requires further attention and investment. The government and other stakeholders must continue to work towards ensuring that all Nigerians have access to safe and affordable water.