Explain why having positive relationships with you school mates could enable you to achieve your personal health goals (3×2)(6)

1. Support and motivation: Positive relationships with school mates can provide you with the support and motivation you need to achieve your personal health goals. When you have friends who are also committed to living a healthy lifestyle, they can encourage you to make good choices and stick to your goals. They can also provide accountability and help keep you on track when you may be feeling discouraged or tempted to stray from your goals.

2. Healthy habits: By surrounding yourself with school mates who prioritize their health and well-being, you are more likely to adopt and maintain healthy habits yourself. Being around friends who exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods, and prioritize self-care can influence your own behavior and make it easier for you to make healthy choices. Additionally, engaging in healthy activities together, such as going for a run or cooking a healthy meal, can strengthen your relationships and help you stay on track with your health goals.

3. Emotional support: Achieving personal health goals can be a challenging and sometimes emotional journey. Having positive relationships with school mates who understand your struggles and are there to provide emotional support can make a significant difference in your ability to reach your goals. Whether you need someone to talk to about your challenges, celebrate your successes with, or simply provide a listening ear, having supportive friends can help you navigate the ups and downs of pursuing better health.