Marta is training for the track team. She can run 100m in 20 seconds. What is Marta’s speed in metres per second? How far can Marta run in 4 minutes if she is running at the same speed?

To calculate Marta's speed in metres per second, we use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Given that Marta can run 100m in 20 seconds:

Speed = 100m / 20s = 5 m/s

Therefore, Marta's speed is 5 metres per second.

If she runs for 4 minutes at this speed, we first need to convert 4 minutes to seconds:

4 minutes = 4 minutes x 60 seconds/minute = 240 seconds

Now, we can calculate how far Marta can run in 240 seconds:

Distance = Speed x Time = 5 m/s x 240 s = 1200m

Therefore, Marta can run 1200m (or 1.2km) in 4 minutes at her speed of 5 metres per second.

She is not at the four minute mile stage yet :(

I apologize for the mistake. Let's correct the calculation using the given information.

If Marta can run 100m in 20 seconds, her speed is 5 m/s.

To calculate how far Marta can run in 4 minutes (240 seconds) at this speed:

Distance = Speed x Time
Distance = 5 m/s x 240 s = 1200m

Therefore, Marta can run 1200 meters (or 1.2 kilometers) in 4 minutes at her current speed of 5 meters per second. Thank you for pointing out the error.

I see no error, I was just thinking that 1200 meters is a good deal short of a mile.

Thank you for your understanding. Yes, you are correct. A mile is equivalent to 1609.34 meters, so running 1200 meters is indeed short of a mile. Marta's current speed and distance covered are still impressive, but she has some work to do before reaching the four-minute mile stage. Thank you for clarifying!