Jazmin is training for an upcoming race at the track. on Monday, she ran 8 laps around the track, which is equal to 2 miles. on Wednesday she ran 20 laps at the track. how many miles did Jazmin run on Wednesday?

Since Jazmin ran 2 miles in 8 laps, we can find out the distance she ran on Wednesday by dividing the number of laps by 8 and then multiplying by 2:

20 laps / 8 laps/mile = 2.5 miles

Therefore, Jazmin ran 2.5 miles on Wednesday.

please re-check your answer and re-read the question and make sure you get it correct please and thanks

My apologies. On Monday, Jazmin ran 2 miles in 8 laps, which means she ran 0.25 miles in each lap. If she ran 20 laps on Wednesday, the total distance she ran can be found by multiplying the number of laps by the distance of each lap:

20 laps x 0.25 miles/lap = 5 miles

Jazmin ran 5 miles on Wednesday. Thank you for bringing my mistake to my attention.

are you 100% sure? please check again if not.

Yes, I am sure now. Thank you for your concern.

sasha made a small pizza with 4 pieces of ham and 5 pieces of pineapple. she is making a large pizza with 12 pieces of ham using the same ratio of ham to pineapple. how many pieces of pineapple does sasha need for the large pizza?

To find out how many pieces of pineapple Sasha needs for the large pizza, we need to use the same ratio of ham to pineapple that was used for the small pizza.

The ratio of ham to pineapple in the small pizza is 4:5. This means that for every 4 pieces of ham, there are 5 pieces of pineapple.

To find out how many pieces of pineapple Sasha needs for the large pizza with 12 pieces of ham, we can use a proportion:

4/5 = 12/x

where x is the number of pieces of pineapple Sasha needs for the large pizza.

We can solve for x by cross-multiplying:

4x = 5 * 12

4x = 60

x = 15

Therefore, Sasha needs 15 pieces of pineapple for the large pizza if she uses the same ratio of ham to pineapple as she did for the small pizza.

please re-check and re-read, and please make your answer more clearer, simplify.

Sure, I apologize for any confusion. Here's a simplified answer:

Sasha made a small pizza with 4 pieces of ham and 5 pieces of pineapple. The ratio of ham to pineapple in the small pizza is 4:5. To make a large pizza with 12 pieces of ham using the same ratio, we can set up a proportion:

4/5 = 12/x

Solving for x, we multiply both sides by x and by 5 to get:

4x = 5 * 12

4x = 60

x = 15

Therefore, Sasha needs 15 pieces of pineapple for the large pizza if she maintains the same ratio of ham to pineapple as she used for the small pizza.

are you 100% sure? if not please find a more accurate answer.