Explain how mutations can lead to changes in an individual and in a population.

Describe how genes, chromosomes, proteins, mutations, and mutagens are related to each other.
Describe how random mutation in an individual can result in a new adaptation in a population.

Mutations can lead to changes in an individual by altering the genetic information of an organism. These changes can affect the structure, function, or regulation of certain proteins, which in turn can impact an individual's traits and characteristics. In some cases, mutations can be harmful and result in diseases or abnormalities. However, mutations can also be beneficial, providing an advantage in certain environments or enabling an organism to adapt to new conditions.

In a population, mutations can also lead to changes over time. When individuals with beneficial mutations survive and reproduce, these mutations can become more common in the population. This process, known as natural selection, leads to the evolution of a population as individuals with advantageous mutations are more likely to pass on their genes to the next generation. Over time, these changes can result in the emergence of new traits or adaptations in a population.

Genes, which are segments of DNA that code for specific proteins, are located on chromosomes within a cell. Proteins are essential molecules that perform a wide variety of functions in an organism. Mutations are changes in the DNA sequence that can alter the structure or function of proteins. Mutagens are external factors, such as certain chemicals or radiation, that can increase the rate of mutations in an organism.

Random mutations in an individual can result in a new adaptation in a population through the process of natural selection. If a beneficial mutation occurs in an individual that provides an advantage in a particular environment, that individual may be more likely to survive and reproduce. As a result, the mutation may become more common in the population over time. If enough individuals in the population carry the mutation, it can lead to the emergence of a new adaptation that enhances the overall fitness of the population in that environment.