What is the difference between an introduced and an invasive species?(1 point)


An introduced species is added in by humans; an invasive species enters new ecosystems on its own.
An introduced species is added in by humans; an invasive species enters new ecosystems on its own.

An introduced species is brought in on purpose; an invasive species is brought in by accident.
An introduced species is brought in on purpose; an invasive species is brought in by accident.

An introduced species is not necessarily harmful to the environment; an invasive species has a negative effect.
An introduced species is not necessarily harmful to the environment; an invasive species has a negative effect.

An introduced species is new to the ecosystem; an invasive species has been there a long time.

In general, the main difference between an introduced species and an invasive species is the impact they have on the ecosystem.

An introduced species is a plant, animal, or disease that is not native to a specific location and is brought there by human activities, either intentionally or accidentally. These introduced species may or may not have a negative impact on the local ecosystem.

On the other hand, an invasive species is an introduced species that spreads rapidly and outcompetes native species, causing harm to the ecosystem by disrupting the natural balance. Invasive species often have negative consequences for the environment, economy, and human health.

Overall, the key distinction is that not all introduced species become invasive, but all invasive species are introduced to a new environment.