Investigate the consequences of independence in Latin America and Haiti.(1 point)


Independence led to political and economic stability in these regions, as well as some positive social changes.
Independence led to political and economic stability in these regions, as well as some positive social changes.

Independence led to political and economic instability in these regions, as well as some positive social changes.
Independence led to political and economic instability in these regions, as well as some positive social changes.

Independence led to political, economic, and social stability as well as some negative social changes.
Independence led to political, economic, and social stability as well as some negative social changes.

Independence led to political instability and economic stability in these regions, as well as some positive social changes.

Independence in Latin America and Haiti had a mix of consequences. While it did lead to political instability in some cases, there were also positive outcomes such as economic stability and social changes. The newly independent nations were able to establish their own governments and economies, freeing themselves from colonial rule. However, this also resulted in conflicts and power struggles within these countries as they attempted to establish themselves as independent states. Additionally, while some positive social changes were made, such as the abolition of slavery in Haiti, there were also negative consequences such as ongoing social inequalities and conflicts. Overall, independence in Latin America and Haiti had a complex set of consequences that shaped the history of these regions.