Investigate the consequences of independence in Latin America and Haiti. (1 point)

1. Independence led to political and economic stability in these regions, as well as some positive social changes.

2. Independence led to political instability and economic stability in these regions, as well as some positive social changes.

3. Independence led to political, economic, and social stability as well as some negative social changes.

4. Independence led to political and economic instability in these regions, as well as some positive social changes.

4. Independence led to political and economic instability in these regions, as well as some positive social changes.

After achieving independence, many Latin American countries and Haiti experienced political and economic instability. This was often due to power struggles among different factions within the new governments, as well as the challenge of transitioning from colonial rule to self-governance. Additionally, the loss of trade ties with European countries and the disruption of colonial economic systems also contributed to economic instability.

However, independence also brought about some positive social changes. For example, it led to the abolition of slavery in many countries, as well as the promotion of ideas of freedom and equality. Indigenous peoples and people of African descent, who had been marginalized under colonial rule, were able to participate more actively in society and politics.

Overall, the consequences of independence in Latin America and Haiti were mixed, with both positive and negative impacts on political, economic, and social stability.