"The 6th of November comes on—a day hereafter to be memorable, in my opinion, as consummating the folly of Southern delusion in starting the death blow to the best government upon Earth; the vote is cast, and the Telegraph tells us that Lincoln is elected. Immediately upon the receipt of this information in the North, Federal officers resign, public meetings are called, legislation are convened, and a general cry for State conventions to be held to devise means for the redress of our wrongs. The sentiment of Secession from the Northern States prevails with a unanimity that astonishes even the most ardent advisers of that Measure." - A letter from a Georgian to the former governor of Massachusetts, November 20, 1860

Choose the best part of this quote that shows which best illustrates the reaction in the South to Lincoln's election.

(1 point)

"...the sentiment of Secession from the Northern States prevails with a unanimity..."
"...the sentiment of Secession from the Northern States prevails with a unanimity..."

"...consummating the folly of Southern delusion in starting the death blow to the best government upon Earth..."
"...consummating the folly of Southern delusion in starting the death blow to the best government upon Earth..."

"...the vote is cast, and the Telegraph tells us that Lincoln is elected..."
"...the vote is cast, and the Telegraph tells us that Lincoln is elected..."

"The 6th of November comes on—a day hereafter to be memorable, in my opinion..."

"The 6th of November comes on—a day hereafter to be memorable, in my opinion..."

What did the Confederacy count on European countries to do so that they could continue to fight a defensive war against the North?(1 point)


Give the South troops to fight back
Give the South troops to fight back

Recognize the Confederate States of America
Recognize the Confederate States of America

Buy Southern cotton and send supplies
Buy Southern cotton and send supplies

Send diplomats to stop the war

Recognize the Confederate States of America

Question “A house divided against itself cannot stand." I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved; I do not expect the house to fall; but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction, or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become alike lawful in all the states, old as well as new, North as well as South.” -Abraham Lincoln, June 16, 1858, at the Illinois Republican convention Use the quote above and your knowledge from the lesson for this short answer question. Answer in at least 2 sentences. How do you think this relates to the arguments about states' rights and slavery before the Civil War? Can you explain why some states wanted more rights, and how this connected to the issue of slavery?

Abraham Lincoln's quote reflects the growing tension between the North and the South over the issue of slavery before the Civil War. The Southern states believed in the concept of states' rights, arguing that individual states should have the right to decide on the issue of slavery within their borders. They feared that if the federal government intervened to limit or abolish slavery, it would infringe upon their states' rights. This conflict ultimately led to the secession of Southern states and the start of the Civil War.