Plants, bison, elk, and wolves are all members of an ecosystem. The bison and elk are both primary consumers in this ecosystem, while the wolves are a predator. Over time, the bison completely disappear. Give an example of how the ecosystem may respond to this change, and explain how this relates to both resiliency and biodiversity. (4 points)


One possible response to the disappearance of bison from the ecosystem could be an increase in the population of elk. With one less competitor for resources, the elk population may thrive and their numbers could grow rapidly. This increase in elk population could lead to overgrazing of plants, which in turn could have cascading effects on other species in the ecosystem.

This example relates to both resiliency and biodiversity in the ecosystem. Resiliency refers to the ability of an ecosystem to withstand and recover from disturbances. In this case, the ecosystem may be less resilient without the bison, as their absence could disrupt the balance of the ecosystem and lead to negative impacts on other species.

In terms of biodiversity, the disappearance of bison could lead to a decrease in the overall diversity of the ecosystem. Bison play an important role as a primary consumer in the ecosystem, and their absence could result in a loss of biodiversity as other species may not be able to fill the niche left by the bison. This loss of biodiversity could have long-term effects on the overall health and functioning of the ecosystem.

short pls

If the bison disappear from the ecosystem, the elk population may increase due to less competition for resources. This could lead to overgrazing of plants, impacting other species. This shows how ecosystems may be less resilient without key species, and how the loss of one species can affect biodiversity and ecosystem balance.