Why are invasion species such a huge threat to the economy system a invasion is species can do in texting such so much so that the economic system may not be able to recover be invasion species provide no ad benefits or diversified to economic system see invasion species are impossible to control once they are introduced and spread rapper d if they species can replace the species

that are already part of the economic system, disrupting the balance and potentially causing a domino effect on other species and industries. This could lead to loss of biodiversity, decreased agricultural productivity, and increased costs for eradication efforts.

Invasive species can also outcompete native species for resources, introduce new diseases or parasites, and disrupt ecosystem functions. This can have serious consequences for industries such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and tourism, as well as for human health and the overall functioning of ecosystems.

The economic costs of invasive species can be significant, including the costs of control and eradication efforts, as well as the costs of repairing damage caused by invasive species. In some cases, the economic impact of invasive species can be so severe that it may be impossible to fully recover from the damage they cause.

Overall, the threat of invasive species to the economy is significant and should be taken seriously in order to protect livelihoods, industries, and ecosystems from potential harm.