What are the differences and similarities between your views and expectations of teaching and learning in classrooms and your actual observations

Some differences and similarities between my views and expectations of teaching and learning in classrooms and my actual observations are:

- I expected that classroom dynamics would be more structured and controlled, but I have observed that there can be a lot of chaos and unpredictability in learning environments.
- I believed that all students would be highly motivated and engaged in their learning, but I have noticed that not all students are equally interested or invested in their education.
- I anticipated that teachers would have more autonomy and flexibility in their lesson plans, but I have found that there are often external factors and constraints that limit their creativity.

- I believe that fostering a positive and supportive learning environment is crucial for student success, and I have seen this idea emphasized in actual classrooms as well.
- I value the importance of differentiation and personalized learning experiences for students, and I have observed that some teachers do make efforts to cater to individual needs and learning styles.
- I place a strong emphasis on the role of collaboration and communication in the classroom, and I have seen these skills being integrated into lesson plans and student activities.

Overall, while there have been some discrepancies between my initial expectations and actual observations of teaching and learning in classrooms, there are also several key similarities that reinforce my beliefs about effective education practices.