The concept of implementing a year-round school calendar has been discussed for years, mostly without much enthusiasm. The idea, however, is not without merit, especially for those who seek to lower their local school districts' expenses. As the economic outlook continues to darken, districts will need to cut costs, which requires considering a year-round school calendar. While some district administrators believe that our reliance on an antiquated agrarian calendar is economically sustainable, they're not being realistic. The formula for sustaining and enhancing a school district's bottom line categorically includes a year-round calendar component.

Which describes the overall quality of this argument?
A. The tightly woven analysis convinces the reader of the benefits of a year-round calendar.
B. The author fails to support the argument with specific details of the cost-cutting measure.
C. Counter-arguments and other potential objections are adequately addressed.

B. The author fails to support the argument with specific details of the cost-cutting measure.