A yacht uz cruising speed of 45 km an hour and it’s headed east if there is a 20 km current at 40° south of East what is the actual velocity of the book

The velocity of the yacht can be broken down into horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal component is 45 km/h (the cruising speed of the yacht) and the vertical component is the speed of the current, which can be calculated using trigonometry.

The vertical component of the current is given by: 20 km * sin(40°) ≈ 12.85 km/h

The horizontal component of the current is given by: 20 km * cos(40°) ≈ 15.34 km/h

Therefore, the actual velocity of the yacht can be calculated by adding the horizontal components of the yacht and current, and the vertical components of the yacht and current:

Horizontal component = 45 km/h + 15.34 km/h = 60.34 km/h
Vertical component = 12.85 km/h

The actual velocity of the yacht can be found using the Pythagorean theorem:

Velocity = √(60.34^2 + 12.85^2) ≈ 61.60 km/h

Therefore, the actual velocity of the yacht is approximately 61.60 km/h_heading east.