Dusk fell like a shimmering fantasy over my town of Mugville. The sublime twilight seemed fitting for my first dinner date with Vanessa at the new French restaurant on Broadway, a night that would surely usher in a new era of timeless romance fit for an Arthurian legend. The air even smelled floral in the midst of the rosy sunset dotted with peeking stars.

How does the author’s use of hyperbole impact the tone of the passage?

It downplays the narrator’s expectations for the date.

It emphasizes the hopelessly romantic mood.

It creates an atmosphere of timid trepidation.

It suggests an impression of fearful doubt.

The author's use of hyperbole impacts the tone of the passage by emphasizing the hopelessly romantic mood. The vivid descriptions and exaggerated language paint a picture of an idealized, fairy tale-like evening, setting the stage for a magical and enchanting date.