a university student completed courses were three credits and some courses worth for credits the student earned a total of 54 credits after completing 15 courses how many courses worth 4 credits did the student complete 3,-2 2,3 -2,0

Let's denote the number of courses worth 3 credits as x and the number of courses worth 4 credits as y.

Total number of courses = 15
Total number of credits earned = 54

From the information given, we can form two equations:
1. x + y = 15 (Total number of courses = 15)
2. 3x + 4y = 54 (Total number of credits earned = 54)

Now, let's solve these two equations simultaneously:

From equation 1:
x = 15 - y

Substitute x into equation 2:
3(15 - y) + 4y = 54
45 - 3y + 4y = 54
45 + y = 54
y = 9

Therefore, the student completed 9 courses worth 4 credits.