Why the resistants of Sophiatown found it profound to start their meeting or gathering with a protest

The residents of Sophiatown likely found it important to start their meetings or gatherings with a protest in order to show solidarity and resistance against the oppressive apartheid government. By beginning with a protest, they were signaling their collective determination to fight against racial segregation and injustice.

Protests were a powerful tool for mobilizing people, raising awareness, and demonstrating the resolve of the community. Starting a meeting with a protest would help to set the tone for the rest of the gathering, inspiring participants to actively engage with the issues at hand and encouraging them to take action.

Additionally, protests served as a way for residents to assert their rights, express their grievances, and demand change. By starting their meetings with a protest, the resistants of Sophiatown were making a bold statement that they would not be silenced or intimidated by the authorities, and that they were willing to fight for their freedom and equality.