1. Why might a company decide against using hydroelectric energy as an alternative energy resource?

A. Gathering it requires pulling from unclean sources.
B. Gathering it creates noise pollution for surrounding areas.
C. Gathering it releases carbon dioxide gases into the air.
D. Gathering it can have a negative effect on natural habitats.

D. Gathering it can have a negative effect on natural habitats.


You're welcome!

Complete each sentence by selecting the correct answer from the list.

----------- uses moving air and doesn't pollute the atmosphere. ------------------- uses dead plant matter, and burning it releases carbon emissions into the atmosphere.

Wind energy uses moving air and doesn't pollute the atmosphere. Bioenergy uses dead plant matter, and burning it releases carbon emissions into the atmosphere.

thx again

You're welcome!

Zoe watched 1/5 of Frozen before she paused it to go make popcorn. When she came back, she watched another 2/3 of the movie.

What fraction of the movie did Zoe watch in all?

To find out what fraction of the movie Zoe watched in all, we can add the fractions that represent the parts she watched:

1/5 + 2/3

To add these fractions, we need a common denominator. The smallest common multiple of 5 and 3 is 15, so we can rewrite the fractions with denominators of 15:

1/5 = 3/15

2/3 = 10/15

Now we can add the fractions:

3/15 + 10/15 = 13/15

So Zoe watched 13/15 of Frozen in all.
