The coordinate plane below shows point and the line


On the coordinate x-y plane, a rectangle has the coordinates at (-2, 3), (5, 3), (-2, -2) and (5, -2).

Which equation describes the line that passes through point P and is perpendicular to the line on the graph?





To find the equation of the line passing through point P that is perpendicular to the given line, we first need to find the slope of the given line.

The given line passes through the points (-2, 3) and (5, -2).
The slope of the given line is (change in y) / (change in x) = (-2 - 3) / (5 - (-2)) = -5 / 7.

Since the line we want is perpendicular to this line, its slope will be the negative reciprocal of -5 / 7, which is 7 / 5.

Now, we have the slope (m) of the line passing through point P. We also have the coordinates of point P, which is (x, y) = (-2, 3).

Using the point-slope form of the equation of a line, the equation of the line passing through point P that is perpendicular to the given line is:

y - 3 = (7/5)(x - (-2))

y - 3 = (7/5)(x + 2)

Multiplying through by 5 to clear the fraction:

5(y - 3) = 7(x + 2)

5y - 15 = 7x + 14

Rearranging in standard form:

7x - 5y = -29

Therefore, the correct answer is:

D. 7x - 5y = -29