Investigate the consequences of independence in Latin America and Haiti.(1 point)

A) Independence led to political, economic, and social stability as well as some negative social changes.

B) Independence led to political instability and economic stability in these regions, as well as some positive social changes.

C) Independence led to political and economic instability in these regions, as well as some positive social changes.

D) Independence led to political and economic stability in these regions, as well as some positive social changes.

C) Independence led to political and economic instability in these regions, as well as some positive social changes.

The consequences of independence in Latin America and Haiti included political and economic instability. These newly independent countries struggled to establish stable governments and create sustainable economies. However, some positive social changes did occur, such as the abolition of slavery in Haiti and the promotion of indigenous rights in some Latin American countries. Overall, the road to stability and prosperity after independence was a difficult one for these regions.