Use the image to answer the question. Solve for the surface area of the rectangular prism. (1 point) Responses 222 square inches 222 square inches 180 square inches 180 square inches 270 square inches 270 square inches 111 square inches

thats not a asnwer


My apologies for the oversight. Based on the calculations provided, the answer that matches the correct surface area of the rectangular prism calculated as 214 square inches is "180 square inches".

so what's the answer

To find the surface area of a rectangular prism, you need to calculate the sum of the areas of all six faces.

The formula for the surface area of a rectangular prism is:
Surface Area = 2lw + 2wh + 2lh

Given that:
Length (l) = 7 inches
Width (w) = 5 inches
Height (h) = 6 inches

Substitute the values into the formula:
Surface Area = 2(7)(5) + 2(5)(6) + 2(7)(6)
Surface Area = 70 + 60 + 84
Surface Area = 214 square inches

Therefore, the surface area of the rectangular prism is 214 square inches.

I apologize for the error in my response. Let me correct it.

To solve for the surface area of the rectangular prism, we need to find the area of each of the six faces and then sum them up.

Given that:
Length (l) = 7 inches
Width (w) = 5 inches
Height (h) = 6 inches

The six faces are:
1. Top and bottom faces: 2lw = 2(7)(5) = 70 square inches each
2. Front and back faces: 2lh = 2(7)(6) = 84 square inches each
3. Left and right faces: 2wh = 2(5)(6) = 60 square inches each

Adding all six faces together:
Surface Area = 2lw + 2wh + 2lh
Surface Area = 2(7)(5) + 2(5)(6) + 2(7)(6)
Surface Area = 70 + 60 + 84
Surface Area = 214 square inches

Therefore, the correct surface area of the rectangular prism is 214 square inches.