Surface Area of Cubes & Rectangular Prisms Quick Check

3 of 5
3 of 5 Items
Use the image to answer the question.

Solve for the surface area of the rectangular prism.
(1 point)
270 square inches
270 square inches
180 square inches
180 square inches
111 square inches
111 square inches
222 square inches

To solve for the surface area of the rectangular prism, we need to find the area of each face and then add them together.

From the image, we can see that the length of the rectangular prism is 12 inches, the width is 5 inches, and the height is 3 inches.

The surface area of a rectangular prism can be found using the formula:

Surface Area = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh

Plugging in the given dimensions, we get:

Surface Area = 2(12)(5) + 2(12)(3) + 2(5)(3)
Surface Area = 120 + 72 + 30
Surface Area = 222 square inches

Therefore, the correct answer is 222 square inches.

To find the surface area of a rectangular prism, we need to add up the areas of all six faces.

Looking at the image provided, we can see that the dimensions of the rectangular prism are:

Length = 6 inches
Width = 5 inches
Height = 9 inches

The formula for the surface area of a rectangular prism is:
Surface Area = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh

Substituting the values we have:
Surface Area = 2(6)(5) + 2(6)(9) + 2(5)(9)
Surface Area = 60 + 108 + 90
Surface Area = 258 square inches

So, the correct answer is:
258 square inches

To find the surface area of a rectangular prism, you need to determine the area of each side and then add them up.

Looking at the image, we can see that the dimensions of the rectangular prism are: length = 6 inches, width = 5 inches, and height = 9 inches.

To find the surface area, we need to calculate the area of each side:
1) The top and bottom faces have the same dimensions, so their areas are equal: length * width = 6 inches * 5 inches = 30 square inches each.
2) The front and back faces also have the same dimensions, so their areas are equal: length * height = 6 inches * 9 inches = 54 square inches each.
3) The left and right faces also have the same dimensions, so their areas are equal: width * height = 5 inches * 9 inches = 45 square inches each.

To find the total surface area, add up the areas of all the sides:
Area of top and bottom faces = 30 square inches each
Area of front and back faces = 54 square inches each
Area of left and right faces = 45 square inches each

Total surface area = 2*(Area of top and bottom faces) + 2*(Area of front and back faces) + 2*(Area of left and right faces)
= 2*(30 square inches) + 2*(54 square inches) + 2*(45 square inches)
= 60 square inches + 108 square inches + 90 square inches
= 258 square inches

Therefore, the surface area of the rectangular prism is 258 square inches.