What does a cell membrane do for cells in addition to controlling what can enter and leave the cell

1. Protection: The cell membrane acts as a barrier that protects the cell's internal components from harmful substances or pathogens.

2. Communication: The cell membrane contains receptors and proteins that allow the cell to communicate with other cells and receive signals from the external environment.

3. Cell recognition: The cell membrane contains markers and proteins that help the cell identify and interact with other cells, allowing for important processes such as immune responses and tissue development.

4. Structural support: The cell membrane helps maintain the shape and structure of the cell, providing support for the organelles and cytoplasm.

5. Transport: The cell membrane regulates the transport of molecules and ions in and out of the cell through various transport proteins and channels.

6. Cell adhesion: The cell membrane plays a role in cell adhesion, allowing cells to stick together to form tissues and organs.

7. Cell growth and division: The cell membrane is involved in cell growth and division processes by regulating the intake of nutrients and growth factors.