Cell Membrane Video Player 00:0001:54 Show Transcript The cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane, is found in all cells. Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have a cell membrane, and some will also have a cell wall. The purpose of the cell membrane is to help the cell maintain homeostasis by regulating what enters and leaves the cell to help keep a stable, internal environment. The cell membrane also helps to protect the cell. The cell membrane is known as selectively permeable as it only allows some things to enter and leave. The cell membrane is actually a complex assortment of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. It is composed of a phospholipid bilayer which consists of hydrophilic (or water-loving) heads and hydrophobic (water-hating) tails There are also many imbedded proteins which also help in the transport of larger molecules through the membrane. Small items like ions and water can pass freely from areas of higher concentration to lower concentration through the membrane by diffusion and osmosis. Larger molecules need a larger protein channels to pass, and many circumstances require energy, or ATP, to help large molecules or smaller ones pass against the concentration gradient. The cell membrane is vital all cells to help regulate and maintain conditions necessary for stability and survival. Close Question 1 The ___ ___ is responsible for maintaining homeostasis within any cell. Responses A cell wallcell wall B cell membranecell membrane C endoplasmic reticulumendoplasmic reticulum Question 2 A membrane that only "lets" certain molecules in while keeping other molecules out is ___ ___. Responses A flexibleflexible B bilipid layersbilipid layers C selectively permeableselectively permeable Question 3 Large molecules and wastes move through the membrane through ____ ______. Responses A lipid layerslipid layers B protein channelsprotein channels C carbohydrate gatescarbohydrate gates Skip to navigation

Question 1: B) cell membrane

Question 2: C) selectively permeable
Question 3: B) protein channels

Question 1: The cell membrane is responsible for maintaining homeostasis within any cell. (Answer: B cell membrane)

Question 2: A membrane that only "lets" certain molecules in while keeping other molecules out is selectively permeable. (Answer: C selectively permeable)

Question 3: Large molecules and wastes move through the membrane through protein channels. (Answer: B protein channels)

Question 1: The ___ ___ is responsible for maintaining homeostasis within any cell.

To answer this question, we need to recall the information mentioned in the transcript. According to the transcript, the structure responsible for maintaining homeostasis within any cell is mentioned. We also know that both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have this structure. So, by process of elimination, we can determine the correct answer.

The correct answer is B) cell membrane.

Question 2: A membrane that only "lets" certain molecules in while keeping other molecules out is ___ ___.

To answer this question, we need to recall the information mentioned in the transcript. According to the transcript, the cell membrane is described as selectively permeable, meaning it only allows some things to enter and leave the cell.

The correct answer is C) selectively permeable.

Question 3: Large molecules and wastes move through the membrane through ____ ______.

To answer this question, we need to recall the information mentioned in the transcript. According to the transcript, larger molecules require larger protein channels to pass through the cell membrane. This implies that protein channels facilitate the movement of large molecules and wastes through the membrane.

The correct answer is B) protein channels.