Explain the difference between imperialism and open door. TO what extent are they similar?

Why is 1891 a major turning point in American History?
Make your answers two sentences

Imperialism involves a stronger country extending its influence over a weaker country through military force or economic control, while the open door policy advocates for equal trading rights for all countries in a particular region. They are similar in that both involve exerting influence in foreign territories, but differ in their methods and goals.

1891 is a major turning point in American History because this was the year that the Sherman Antitrust Act was passed, signaling the beginning of the federal government's efforts to regulate corporate monopolies and protect competition in the marketplace.

make your answers shorter

i meant 1898

1898 is a major turning point in American history due to the Spanish-American War, which marked the United States' emergence as a world power and its acquisition of territories such as Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

Imperialism involves a stronger country extending its influence over a weaker country, while the open door policy advocates for equal trading rights for all countries. 1891 is a major turning point in American history due to the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act, marking the government's efforts to regulate monopolies.