Which of the following is an example of indicative verb mood?

(1 point)

If his parents let him, he will come outside to play.
If his parents let him, he will come outside to play.

Open the door for the old lady.
Open the door for the old lady.

I believe you should have a 60's themed birthday party.
I believe you should have a 60's themed birthday party.

We had spaghetti for dinner.

We had spaghetti for dinner.

The example of indicative verb mood is: "We had spaghetti for dinner."

How is this text formatted?

(1 point)

italicized text
italicized text

bold text
bold text

underlined text
underlined text

a change in the font face

The correct answer is "We had spaghetti for dinner."

To identify the indicative verb mood, we need to understand what it represents. The indicative mood is used to state facts, express certainty, or provide information about reality. In other words, it is used to make statements or ask questions without any doubt or uncertainty.

In this case, the sentence "We had spaghetti for dinner" is a clear statement of fact. It is not hypothetical, conditional, or a command. It simply states that spaghetti was consumed for dinner. Therefore, it is an example of the indicative verb mood.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the other given sentences and identify if they involve hypothetical situations, commands, or statements without any doubt or uncertainty. In this case, the first sentence and the second sentence are both conditional statements using the "if" clause, indicating a hypothetical situation. The third sentence is an expression of belief and recommendation, not a straightforward statement of fact.