What was General he will seize S Grant strategy to win the war

General Ulysses S. Grant's strategy to win the Civil War was based on the concept of total war. He believed in using all available resources and employing aggressive tactics to wear down and defeat the Confederate forces. Grant focused on taking control of key transportation and supply routes, as well as engaging the enemy in coordinated and relentless attacks.

One of Grant's most famous tactics was his use of "unconditional surrender" terms in his negotiations with Confederate commanders. He believed in pressing the advantage and not allowing the enemy any opportunity to regroup or recover. Grant also utilized the Union's superior numbers and resources to overpower the Confederate army in battles such as the Siege of Vicksburg and the Overland Campaign.

Overall, Grant's strategy revolved around relentless pressure on the Confederate forces, combined with coordinated movements and decisive battles, ultimately leading to the Union's victory in the Civil War.