which of the following were instrumental in General Grant's plan for ending the civil War?

There were several key factors that were instrumental in General Grant's plan for ending the Civil War:

1. The Union army's ability to control the Mississippi River: Grant recognized the strategic importance of the Mississippi River and worked to control it, which helped to isolate Confederate armies and cut off their supply lines.

2. The use of total war tactics: Grant believed in using aggressive tactics to defeat the Confederate army, including the destruction of civilian infrastructure such as farms, railroads, and homes.

3. Cooperation between Union army units: Grant worked to coordinate the efforts of different Union army units, which allowed them to work together more effectively and achieve their objectives.

4. The use of African American troops: Grant recognized the importance of African American troops and worked to integrate them into the Union army, which helped to strengthen its ranks and contributed to the eventual defeat of the Confederacy.

General Grant had several key components in his plan to end the Civil War, which included:

1. Total War Strategy: Grant believed in utilizing a strategy of total war, where the Union forces aimed to destroy the Confederate army and infrastructure, without regards to civilian casualties or property destruction. This approach aimed to cripple the South's ability to continue fighting.

2. Siege of Vicksburg: Grant's successful siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi in 1863 was a significant turning point in the war. This victory provided the Union control over the Mississippi River, effectively dividing the Confederacy and cutting off their supply lines.

3. Battle of Gettysburg: Although General Grant did not command the Union forces during the Battle of Gettysburg, it was a crucial Union victory that weakened the Confederate army and bolstered Union morale. By defeating General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, the battle turned the tide of the war in favor of the Union.

4. Appomattox Campaign: In 1865, Grant led the Union forces in the final campaign against General Lee's Confederate army. The Appomattox Campaign resulted in the surrender of Lee's army at Appomattox Court House on April 9, effectively ending major combat operations of the Civil War.

It is worth noting that General Grant's overall strategy was part of a larger coordinated effort by the Union, which involved multiple generals and military campaigns. However, these key elements highlight some of Grant's instrumental contributions to the Union's victory in the Civil War.