Upper DeltaUpper MUpper RUpper G and Upper DeltaUpper DUpper VUpper C are similar. The scale factor of Upper DeltaUpper MUpper RUpper G to Upper DeltaUpper DUpper VUpper C is 8 ​: 1. What is the scale factor of Upper DeltaUpper DUpper VUpper C to Upper DeltaUpper MUpper RUpper G​?

The scale factor of Upper DeltaUpper MUpper RUpper G to Upper DeltaUpper DUpper VUpper C is given as 8:1. To find the scale factor of Upper DeltaUpper DUpper VUpper C to Upper DeltaUpper MUpper RUpper G, we can take the reciprocal of this ratio.

So, the scale factor of Upper DeltaUpper DUpper VUpper C to Upper DeltaUpper MUpper RUpper G is 1:8.