What effect does capitalization have in poetry?

Capitalization in poetry can have a variety of effects depending on the style and context of the poem. Some possible effects of capitalization in poetry include:

1. Emphasis: Capitalizing certain words or phrases can draw attention to them, signaling their importance or significance within the poem.

2. Formality: Capitalization can add a sense of formality or structure to a poem, giving it a more polished or traditional tone.

3. Visual impact: Capitalization can visually break up the text of a poem, creating a visually striking or unique aesthetic.

4. Conveying tone: The use of capitalization can help convey the emotional tone or mood of the poem, such as by indicating intensity, urgency, or a shift in emotion.

5. Symbolism: Capitalization can be used symbolically to represent specific themes or ideas within the poem, such as highlighting key symbols or motifs.

Overall, capitalization in poetry is a stylistic choice that can help enhance the meaning and impact of the poem, adding depth and complexity to the text.