What effect does capitalization have in poetry?

It lends a word more importance.

It contributes to the structure of a stanza.

It creates a pause.

It emphasizes the rhythm.

It can also add emphasis to certain words or phrases, create visual interest on the page, or indicate the beginning of a new line or stanza. Additionally, capitalization can help convey the tone or mood of the poem and guide the reader's interpretation of the text. Ultimately, the use of capitalization in poetry is a stylistic choice that can enhance the overall impact of the poem.

so whats the answer?

The effect of capitalization in poetry can include lending a word more importance, contributing to the structure of a stanza, creating a pause, emphasizing rhythm, adding emphasis to certain words or phrases, creating visual interest, indicating the beginning of a new line or stanza, conveying tone or mood, and guiding the reader's interpretation of the text.

So it's A?

Yes, the effect of capitalization in poetry includes lending a word more importance, as stated in option A.