What are the major events that led to the fall of Rome?

There are numerous factors that led to the fall of the Roman Empire, but some of the major events and challenges include:

1. Economic troubles: The Roman Empire faced economic instability due to overspending on military, inflation, heavy taxation, and a reliance on slave labor which led to decreased productivity.
2. Political corruption: The Roman government became increasingly corrupt, with emperors being assassinated or overthrown, and power struggles within the ruling elite weakening the authority of the central government.
3. Barbarian invasions: The Roman Empire faced numerous invasions by Germanic tribes, such as the Visigoths, Vandals, and Huns, as well as other barbarian groups from the north. These invasions weakened the empire's borders and stretched its military resources thin.
4. Military defeats: The Roman Empire suffered several significant military defeats, such as the Battle of Adrianople in 378 AD, where the Eastern Roman Empire lost a large portion of its army to the Visigoths.
5. Social unrest: There was widespread social and political unrest within the empire, with factions and civil wars leading to instability and weakened governance.
6. Division of the empire: The Roman Empire was divided into the Western and Eastern Roman Empires in the late 4th century, with the Western Empire facing greater challenges and eventually succumbing to internal and external pressures.
7. Decline in population and urbanization: The decline in population due to disease, famine, and warfare, as well as the abandonment of cities and infrastructure, contributed to the empire's decline.