How did the Huns contribute to the fall of the western Roman empire? Select the two correct answers.

They stopped trading with Rome, which caused inflation.

They hindered Roman trade along the Silk Road.

They conquered and burned Rome.

They dealt the Roman army a major blow at Chaldôn.

They drove Germanic people into the empire.

I need answers pls 🥺

;-; i need answer plz

i need answer plz

The correct answers are B and E. The Huns hindered Roman trade along the Silk Road, which weakened the economy, and they drove Germanic people into the empire, causing instability and conflict that contributed to the fall of the western Roman empire.


You're welcome!

Thank you

You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

To determine the correct answers, let's analyze each option:

A. They stopped trading with Rome, which caused inflation.
The Huns did not directly contribute to the fall of the Western Roman Empire by stopping trade with Rome. While economic factors played a role in the decline, the Huns did not play a significant part in this aspect. Therefore, this option is not correct.

B. They hindered Roman trade along the Silk Road.
This option is not correct either. While the Huns were a nomadic tribe from Central Asia, they did not hinder Roman trade along the Silk Road. Trade along the Silk Road continued despite their presence, and the Huns themselves did not have a substantial impact on this trade route.

C. They conquered and burned Rome.
This option is also not correct. While the Huns were a formidable force and caused disruption in the Roman Empire, they did not conquer and burn Rome itself. The fall of the Western Roman Empire was a complex event influenced by various factors, and the Huns did contribute to its decline, but they did not directly conquer and burn Rome.

D. They dealt the Roman army a major blow at Chaldôn.
This option is correct. The Huns, under the leadership of Attila, dealt a major blow to the Roman army at the Battle of Chalons (also known as the Battle of Catalaunian Plains) in 451 AD. Although the battle did not result in immediate collapse, it weakened the Roman military and contributed to the overall decline of the Western Roman Empire.

E. They drove Germanic people into the empire.
This is also a correct answer. As the Huns migrated westward, they displaced Germanic tribes such as the Visigoths and Ostrogoths who sought refuge within the borders of the Roman Empire. The arrival of these Germanic tribes put pressure on the weakened Roman administration and became a contributing factor to the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

Therefore, the two correct answers are D. They dealt the Roman army a major blow at Chaldôn and E. They drove Germanic people into the empire.

hope you find a answer