A hair salon charges a fixed rate of $25.00 for a haircut and an additional $15 for any other services. Formulate a function to model the cost of services at the salon and then evaluate the function to determine the cost for a haircut, shampoo, highlight, and blow dry.

A f(x) = 15x + 25; f(3) = 70
B f(x) = 15x + 25; f(1) = 40
C f(x) = 25x + 15; f(3) = 90
D f(x) = 25x + 15; f(1) = 40
E f(x) = 25x + 15; f(2) = 40

B f(x) = 15x + 25; f(1) = 40

The function to model the cost of services at the salon is f(x) = 15x + 25, where x is the number of additional services. To find the cost for a haircut, shampoo, highlight, and blow dry (which is 3 additional services), we can evaluate the function by substituting x = 3:

f(3) = 15(3) + 25
f(3) = 45 + 25
f(3) = 70

Therefore, the cost of a haircut, shampoo, highlight, and blow dry will be $70.