Jillian spent $31 to park for 6 hours. The parking garage charges a base rate of $3 for the first two 2 hours, and then an hourly rate for each additional hour. How much does each additional hour of parking cost?(1 point) Responses $8.50 $8.50 $5.17 $5.17 $4.67 $4.67 $7.00

Explain how to set up the equation.

To set up the equation for this problem, we need to determine the cost per hour for additional parking. We know that the base rate for the first two hours is $3, so we subtract that from the total amount paid, $31, to find the cost of the additional hours.

The additional parking hours are equal to the total parking time minus the first two hours. So, if Jillian parked for 6 hours and the first two hours cost $3, then the additional parking time would be 6 - 2 = 4 hours.

Next, we need to find the cost per hour of additional parking. We can do this by dividing the total cost of additional parking ($31 - $3) by the number of additional hours (4).

Therefore, the equation to find the cost per hour of additional parking is:

(31 - 3) / 4 = 28 / 4 = $7.00.

So, each additional hour of parking costs $7.00.

To set up the equation, we need to determine how much Jillian paid for the first 2 hours and how much she paid for the additional 4 hours.

For the first 2 hours, she paid a flat rate of $3.
For the additional 4 hours, she paid a variable rate. Let's call the cost of each additional hour x.

Therefore, the equation can be set up as:
3 + (4 * x) = 31

In this equation, 3 represents the cost for the first 2 hours, and 4 is the number of additional hours. We multiply 4 by x because we want to find the cost of 4 hours (each additional hour costs x). The total cost should be equal to $31.

To set up the equation, we need to determine the cost of the additional hours of parking after the first two hours.

First, we subtract the cost of the initial two hours from the total cost of parking: $31 - $3 - $3 = $25.

Next, we need to find out how many additional hours were parked. Since each additional hour costs a certain amount, we can divide the remaining cost by this amount to determine the number of additional hours: $25 / additional hour cost = number of additional hours.

Let's assume the additional hour cost is x. So, we have the equation: number of additional hours * x = $25.

Therefore, the equation to find the additional hour cost is: number of additional hours * x = $25.