John Locke on Government

Human Nature
People are born with a mind that is a tabula rasa.
All people are naturally equal and independent.
Natural laws govern human society, and they are more basic than laws written by legislatures.
People have no right to harm others or deprive them of their liberty or possessions.
The legitimacy of a government is based on the consent of the people.

4. The statements in which row did Jean- Jacques Rousseau disagree most strongly with?
(1) Human Nature
(2) Equality
(3) Law
(4) Rights

Jean-Jacques Rousseau would most strongly disagree with the statement related to Equality. Rousseau believed that while all individuals are born equal, society and systems of government create inequality among individuals. He emphasized the concept of the social contract and the general will, which would indicate that he would disagree with the idea that all people are naturally equal and independent.