How does the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution limit the government?

A. by separating state and federal powers

B. by giving the authority to rule the people

C. by establishing the rule of law

D. by granting certain rights to people that government cannot violate.

2. What effect does having a written constitution have on limiting the powers of officials?

A. It establishes the rule of law that everyone, including officials, must follow.

B. It grants the president supreme authority over the other officials.

C. It grants state representatives certain privileges.

D. It gives elected representatives sovereignty.

3. What check does the president have over Congress?
A. rejecting candidates for the Supreme Court.

B. overriding a veto.

C. using a veto.

D. declaring laws unconstitutional

What are some similarities between the government created by Georgia's constitution and by the U.S. Constitution? Choose all that apply. 4 TOTAL SHOULD BE CHOSEN.

A. Bill of Rights
B. An execute branch
C. legislative branch
D. Judicial branch
E. the power to negotiate with foreign nations

1. A
2. A
3. A, B, C, and E.

Thank YOU!!!

The correct answers are

Just took the test all of these answers are 100% correct.

I got a 7/7! Your answers helped me and the last one was A, B, C and D! Thank you Damon! :D

Those are correct. Just took the test. Thanks! :D

1. No

2. yes
3. yes

4. I am not familiar with Georgia constitution but wonder if the conduct negotiations with Germany

1. C?

Which answer uses the word "Rights".

D! Yes?


1. How does the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution limit the government?

The correct answer is D. by granting certain rights to people that the government cannot violate.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand what the Bill of Rights is. The Bill of Rights refers to the first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution, which were ratified in 1791. These amendments outline various individual rights and freedoms that are protected from government interference.

By granting these specific rights, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms, the Bill of Rights establishes limitations on the government's power. It ensures that the government cannot infringe upon these fundamental rights and guarantees the protection of individual liberties.

2. What effect does having a written constitution have on limiting the powers of officials?

The correct answer is A. It establishes the rule of law that everyone, including officials, must follow.

Having a written constitution has a significant impact on limiting the powers of officials. A constitution serves as a supreme law of the land and creates a framework for governance. It provides a set of rules and principles that both citizens and officials must abide by, ensuring that no one is above the law.

By establishing the rule of law, a written constitution prevents officials from unilaterally exercising excessive powers. It sets out the rights, obligations, and limitations that apply to everyone, including elected officials. Thus, officials must operate within the boundaries set by the constitution, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens.

3. What check does the president have over Congress?

The correct answer is C. using a veto.

The president of the United States has the power to use a veto as a check over Congress. When Congress passes a bill, the president can choose to either sign it into law or veto it. If the president decides to veto a bill, it is sent back to Congress with the president's objections.

Congress then has the opportunity to override the president's veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. However, if Congress fails to secure the necessary two-thirds majority, the bill does not become law.

Therefore, the president's ability to veto legislation serves as a significant check on the power of Congress, allowing the executive branch to influence the lawmaking process.

4. What are some similarities between the government created by Georgia's constitution and by the U.S. Constitution? Choose all that apply.

The correct answer is A, B, C, and D. Bill of Rights, An executive branch, Legislative branch, and Judicial branch.

The Georgia constitution, like the U.S. Constitution, shares several similarities with its government structure. These similarities include:

A. Bill of Rights: Both the U.S. Constitution and the Georgia constitution incorporate a Bill of Rights, which guarantees certain fundamental rights to citizens.

B. An executive branch: Both constitutions establish an executive branch responsible for carrying out the laws and managing the administration of the government.

C. Legislative branch: Both constitutions provide for a legislative branch, which consists of representatives elected by the people and is responsible for making laws.

D. Judicial branch: Both constitutions establish a judicial branch, responsible for interpreting and applying the law through the court system.

E. The power to negotiate with foreign nations does not apply to the government structure similarities between Georgia's constitution and the U.S. Constitution.

Therefore, the correct answer is A, B, C, and D.