In three to five senses explain how developments both outside of texts and inside the state encouraged Texas Farmers to rapidly increase the amount of cotton they grew from 1860 to 1890

1. Economic Incentives: The demand for cotton in the textile industry was consistently high during this time period, leading to higher prices and increased profits for cotton farmers. This encouraged Texas farmers to expand their cotton production in order to capitalize on the economic opportunity.

2. Technological Advancements: Developments in agricultural technology, such as the introduction of mechanical cotton pickers and improved irrigation systems, made it easier and more efficient for farmers to cultivate larger quantities of cotton. This increased productivity contributed to the rapid growth of the cotton industry in Texas.

3. Government Support: The state government in Texas provided incentives and support for farmers to increase their cotton production, such as offering land grants and subsidies for agricultural expansion. This encouragement from the state helped to facilitate the growth of the cotton industry during this time period.

4. Railroad Expansion: The expansion of railroads in Texas during the late 19th century provided farmers with better access to markets and transportation options for their cotton. This infrastructure development facilitated the distribution of cotton produced in Texas, making it more feasible for farmers to increase their cotton production.

5. Migration and Settlement: The influx of new settlers and migrants to Texas during this time period also contributed to the expansion of cotton farming. The availability of land and the promise of economic opportunities in the cotton industry attracted people to Texas, leading to an increase in the number of cotton farms and the overall production of cotton in the state.