How are DNA and mRNA related is it DNA is used as a template to make in RNA or is it if there has been a mutation in an RNA the DNA will not change or is it MRNA is used as a template to Nate DNA or if there has been a mutation in DNA the RNA will not change

DNA and mRNA are both types of nucleic acids that play important roles in gene expression. DNA serves as the genetic material that stores the instructions for making proteins, while mRNA serves as a messenger that carries the genetic information from the DNA to the ribosomes, where proteins are synthesized.

The process of protein synthesis involves the transcription of DNA into mRNA, which then undergoes translation to produce proteins. During transcription, DNA is used as a template to synthesize complementary mRNA molecules. Any mutations that occur in the DNA sequence can be transcribed into the mRNA, leading to potential changes in the protein that is ultimately produced.

On the other hand, mutations in mRNA itself do not directly influence the DNA sequence. However, errors in mRNA processing or translation can result in nonfunctional proteins or proteins with altered functions.

In summary, DNA serves as a template for mRNA synthesis, and mutations in DNA can be transcribed into mRNA. Mutations in mRNA can affect protein synthesis, but they do not impact the DNA sequence itself.